Clawson Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Is an Electric Furnace Better Than a Gas Furnace?

Monday, February 7th, 2022

If it’s time for you to purchase a new furnace for your household, you’ll have a lot of factors to consider. Seemingly minor choices can have a huge impact on the overall efficacy and efficiency of your new heating system, so it’s important that you do your research and consult with a professional before making your purchase.

An inefficiently operating system can leave you with higher bills plus an increased need for repairs.

After choosing the make and model of your furnace, the next and most important choice to make is what fuel source you’ll utilize. If you’ve always used an electric furnace, you may think that’s your only option, but this isn’t necessarily true. Still, though, is an electric furnace a “better” choice?

Well, this depends! Read on to learn more.

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Why Does My Furnace Keep Shutting Off Early?

Monday, December 13th, 2021

When you live in a climate such as ours, it’s essential that you have a fully functional and highly efficient heating system in place. So when your furnace starts acting up, it can definitely be frustrating.

One of the most common calls we get in regards to a malfunctioning furnace is about a heater that shuts off earlier than it’s meant to–before it completes a full heating cycle. This is a process called short-cycling.

While short-cycling doesn’t pose a danger, like other problems with a gas-powered furnace might, it can certainly cause damage to your furnace, leading to expensive repairs or even a premature system breakdown and replacement need.

So what causes this? Well, there are a few different potential culprits, which we’ll dive into below. Read on!

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Look Out for These 5 Odd Behaviors From Your Furnace

Monday, November 15th, 2021

There’s no denying that when it’s winter in our climate, you need a reliable and efficient furnace. There’s also no denying that this furnace needs professional maintenance, at least once a year, to operate at its best.

Of course, even with maintenance, there’s always a chance that you may need unexpected Vancouver, WA furnace services. Your furnace, after all, is just like any other important home comfort appliance in that it suffers from natural wear and tear. The trick is, knowing the signs that your furnace needs repair before it has the chance to lead to a breakdown. Read on as we uncover some odd behaviors you might want to watch out for from your furnace, and give us a call if you notice any of them!

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Is a Gas Furnace Dangerous?

Monday, October 4th, 2021

This is a question HVAC professionals hear often. Gas furnaces are the most common method to heat homes in the United States, but homeowners also know that natural gas can create health hazards through combustion or leak of toxic gasses like carbon monoxide. Are natural gas furnaces a serious potential hazard for your house?

Our answer is two-part:

  1. Gas furnaces are designed with safety uppermost in mind and will not pose any danger to a household under most circumstances. If they did, they’d never be allowed in homes in the first palace.
  2. Gas furnaces have the potential to become dangerous, which is true of any gas-burning appliance. However, you can mitigate this potential to almost nothing with the proper steps.

Follow us below to learn more about gas furnace safety—a little knowledge can go a long way.

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It’s Getting Time for Your Annual Furnace Tune-Up!

Monday, August 23rd, 2021

Yes, it’s still summer, and we can expect more hot weather in the future. That doesn’t mean you can’t start planning ahead, especially when it comes to something as vital for the coming fall and winter as the furnace that keeps your family warm and safe. We have almost reached the time of the year to schedule regular furnace maintenance. 

We always recommend our customers have their furnace tune-ups and inspections done in September or October. This prepares furnaces in plenty of time for the arrival of the serious cold weather, and it takes advantage of a slower time of the year for our HVAC pros. When our schedules aren’t packed with emergency AC repairs, we have an easier time finding convenient slots for maintenance appointments.

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Late Season and Your Heater: What Can Go Wrong

Monday, March 8th, 2021

The end of the winter is a reason to celebrate. You can still enjoy some of the pleasures of cold weather while also knowing that soon you’ll be able to bask in the warmth of spring and summer.

But this is also a time when you may need urgent heating repairs in Vancouver, WA. The reason is simple: the heater in your home has already gone through months of work, and this is when the build-up of strain may finally cause it to break. Even if you remembered to have maintenance in the fall, which significantly decreases the chance of the heating system needing repairs, this is the point in the year when the chance of something going wrong is at its highest.

To help you know when to call us to fix your heating system, we’ve listed some of the troubles that might strike as winter winds down:

The many, many, many problems of a clogged air filter

Answer this question honestly: Did you change the air filter for the HVAC system at least once during the season? If your answer is “no,” then the heater is in jeopardy of numerous problems because that filter is certainly clogged with dust, lint, dander, and other debris. This congestion restricts airflow through the furnace/heat pump, reduces your comfort, puts extra pressure on the blower motor, can cause a frozen coil in a heat pump, and plenty more. Go change the filter now if you haven’t!

Burnt-out motors

The wear and tear of a season of heating takes the biggest toll on the mechanical moving parts of a heating system—i.e. the motors. The motors will lose lubrication, accumulate dust, and face the danger of overheating and burning out. If you hear a screeching sound from the heater, it may be the motors on the verge of burning out. Please call for repairs ASAP before the motor fails and needs to be replaced. 


Numerous different problems can cause this malfunction, which is when the heater gets trapped in the start-up cycle and keeps shutting down before it can complete a full heating cycle. If you notice the heating system is turning on and off rapidly over an hour, something it didn’t used to do, the system is short-cycling. Not only does this warn you that something has gone wrong in the heater, but it’s also bad for the heater all on its own because of the strain it puts on components and energy it wastes.

Heating capacity decline/uneven heating

Your heating system may begin to lose its heating capacity at the end of the season. You’ll notice that the house isn’t getting as warm as it used to or certain rooms have cold spots. This can point toward a heater that’s starting to fail entirely (and if old enough, ready for a replacement) or one that has a specific repair issue. Call on our technicians: we’ll find out the problem and offer solutions.

Rely on Clawson Heating & Air Conditioning for all your heating repair needs. “Connecting People to Comfort!”

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Why Your Furnace Isn’t Warming Up the House Enough

Monday, February 22nd, 2021

You’ve had your furnace for a while, and each winter you don’t have any trouble getting comfortable when it’s running. That’s the way things are supposed to be. 

Now, however, something is wrong. You don’t feel cozy, and you’re layering on blankets. Your favorite long-sleeve shirt isn’t keeping you warm enough, and other folks in the house are complaining that it’s too cold. “Why isn’t the furnace on?” they ask. And you tell them that it is, and they don’t believe you, but the thermostat is set to the normal temperature, and… 

Oh no. The furnace isn’t working right! It’s running, you can feel warm air coming from the room vents, but it’s not enough. Why is it? What’s happening?

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Is a Gas Furnace Always the Best Way to Heat a Home?

Monday, February 8th, 2021

Gas furnaces are the most common type of central heating systems for homes across the United States. How many homes? Almost 48% of homes use natural gas for heating, and the Pacific Northwest is one of the regions where this type of heating is the most prominent. So, the logic goes, gas furnaces must be the best way to heat a home.

But that’s actually not logic, only an assumption. The truth is that there is no “best” way to heat a home because homes are different. There may be more gas furnaces because gas furnaces have significant advantages. But not every home can enjoy those advantages. The obvious example is any home that doesn’t have a natural gas connection, which accounts for 37% of households. 

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It’s Time to Schedule Furnace Maintenance

Monday, January 11th, 2021

It was a busy end of the year, so you may have let several important jobs slip through the cracks. Did you remember to arrange to have your furnace professionally serviced with an inspection and tune-up? It’s best to do this in the fall, but if you haven’t done it yet, well, now it’s time to schedule furnace maintenance in Portland, OR!

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These 6 Noises May Mean Your Heater Needs Professional Repairs

Monday, November 30th, 2020

As your heating system starts to get to work at the end of the year, it’s a good idea to pay attention to it in case there are any early warning signs that something is wrong. If you had heating maintenance done this fall, you shouldn’t encounter any problems. But there is no maintenance method that can prevent all heating malfunctions, and at some point, during the year you may need to call for heater repair in Vancouver, WA.

In this post, we’re going to look at one of the most common warning signs of a heater in need of repair: odd sounds. If you’ve had your heating system for at least a year, you know what sounds to expect from it. When any of these six sounds interrupt that general white noise, you may need to call us for help.

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