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Clawson Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

It’s Getting Time for Your Annual Furnace Tune-Up!


Yes, it’s still summer, and we can expect more hot weather in the future. That doesn’t mean you can’t start planning ahead, especially when it comes to something as vital for the coming fall and winter as the furnace that keeps your family warm and safe. We have almost reached the time of the year to schedule regular furnace maintenance. 

We always recommend our customers have their furnace tune-ups and inspections done in September or October. This prepares furnaces in plenty of time for the arrival of the serious cold weather, and it takes advantage of a slower time of the year for our HVAC pros. When our schedules aren’t packed with emergency AC repairs, we have an easier time finding convenient slots for maintenance appointments.

Furnace Maintenance Is an Essential Annual Task

Another reason we bring up furnace maintenance when the summer isn’t over yet is because we know that reminding people early, and often, makes it more likely they’ll schedule the service. Maintenance for a heating system like a furnace is a mandatory service for several reasons, but the most important one is safety

Most homes in the Greater Portland Area use gas-powered furnaces for heat. Gas furnaces have some potential safety risks if they don’t have routine inspections and tune-ups. If you have a gas furnace, you can avoid almost all future safety worries by keeping up with this service each year. Our technicians take special care to look for hazards such as cracks or corrosion on the heat exchanger and low gas pressure that indicates gas leaks. We’ll give your furnace a clean bill of health or else inform you what furnace repair in Vancouver, WA the heater needs to stay safe. For older furnaces (more than 15 years), we may advise replacing the unit before winter arrives. You’ll be glad to have a head start in a situation like this.

Furnace Maintenance Has Many Other Benefits

Keeping a furnace operating safely is reason enough to have maintenance done each year. But maintenance does much more that makes it an important service that helps you save money and enjoy better comfort:

  • Fewer repairs: The majority of repairs a heating system may require occur because of neglect. Maintenance will make more than 50% of repairs never occur at all.
  • Higher energy efficiency: Yearly maintenance prevents the standard decay to a furnace that causes it to lose energy efficiency and raise the cost to run it. 
  • Better capacity: A furnace kept in top shape will run better and give you better heating. 
  • Peace of mind: Who wants to have a furnace at a high risk of failing during the coldest day of the year? Maintenance makes it unlikely you’ll face this type of heating crisis.
  • Warranty protection: Most manufacturers’ warranties for furnaces require routine maintenance to keep them in force.

Sign Up for CAPP

The Clawson Customer Assurance Plus Program (CAPP) paves the way for easy maintenance and savings. When you sign up, you’ll receive regular 21-point tune-ups and inspections for your HVAC system as well as special membership perks. Talk to us today to enroll and get on the schedule. 

Clawson Heating & Air Conditioning is “Connecting People to Comfort”! Call us today to sign up for the Clawson Customer Assurance Plus Program (CAPP) and get started with regular maintenance.

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